Cabletron Systems Switch Dec GigaSwitch User Manual

DE C Giga Sw itch  
Ma n a gem en t Mod u le Gu id e  
Restr icted R igh ts Notice  
(Applicable to licenses to the United States Government only.)  
1. Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in  
subparagraph (c) (1) (ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at  
DFARS 252.227-7013.  
Cabletron Systems, Inc., 35 Industrial Way, Rochester, New Hampshire 03866-5005.  
2. (a) This computer software is submitted with restricted rights. It may not be used,  
reproduced, or disclosed by the Government except as provided in paragraph (b) of this  
Notice or as otherwise expressly stated in the contract.  
(b) This computer software may be:  
(1) Used or copied for use in or with the computer or computers for which it was  
acquired, including use at any Government installation to which such computer or  
computers may be transferred;  
(2) Used or copied for use in a backup computer if any computer for which it was  
acquired is inoperative;  
(3) Reproduced for safekeeping (archives) or backup purposes;  
(4) Modified, adapted, or combined with other computer software, provided that the  
modified, combined, or adapted portions of the derivative software incorporating  
restricted computer software are made subject to the same restricted rights;  
(5) Disclosed to and reproduced for use by support service contractors in accordance with  
subparagraphs (b) (1) through (4) of this clause, provided the Government makes  
such disclosure or reproduction subject to these restricted rights; and  
(6) Used or copied for use in or transferred to a replacement computer.  
(c) Notwithstanding the foregoing, if this computer software is published copyrighted  
computer software, it is licensed to the Government, without disclosure prohibitions, with  
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DEC GigaSwitch  
Management Module Guide  
Con ten t s  
9031754 E4  
DEC GigaSwitch  
Management Module Guide  
9031754 E4  
DEC GigaSwitch  
Management Module Guide  
DEC GigaSwitch  
Management Module Guide  
DEC GigaSwitch  
Management Module Guide  
P r efa ce  
Wh a t Is in Th is Gu id e  
This manual serves as a reference guide to the DEC GigaSwitch managem ent  
module software, providing the information necessary to create, configure,  
and monitor the DEC GigaSwitch in SPECTRUM.  
Wh o Sh ou ld Rea d Th is Ma n u a l  
You should read this manual if you are going to model and monitor a DEC  
GigaSwitch device through SPECTRUM.  
Before reading this manual, you should be familiar with SPECTRUMs  
functionality. Familiarity with network management is helpful, as is an  
understanding of the device hardware and firmware described in the  
GigaSwitchs hardware manual.  
9031754 E5  
How This Manual Is Organized  
How Th is Ma n u a l Is Or ga n ized  
This guide is organized as follows:  
Ch a p t er  
Descr ip t ion  
Chapter 1  
Describes the DEC GigaSwitch management module  
and model types.  
Chapter 2  
Device Views  
Describes the Logical and Physical device views for  
the DEC GigaSwitch.  
Chapter 3  
Describes the Device, Module, and Port  
Configuration Views  
Configuration Views for the DEC GigaSwitch.  
Chapter 4  
Events and Alarms  
Describes the DECElan and DECGiga applications  
for the DEC GigaSwitch.  
Chapter 5  
Describes the Event and Alarm messages and the  
corresponding Probable Cause messages specific to  
the DEC GigaSwitch.  
Con ven tion s  
In this manual the following conventions are used.  
• Command names are printed in b old ; for example, Clea r or Sa ve &  
• Menu selections to access a view are printed in b old ; for example,  
Con figu r a t ion or Det a il.  
• Buttons are represented by a shadowed box; for example, .  
H elp  
DEC GigaSwitch  
Management Module Guide  
Related SPECTRUM Documentation  
Rela ted SP ECTRUM Docu m en ta tion  
Refer to the following documentation for more information on using  
SPECTRUM Report Generator User s Guide  
SPECTRUM AutoDiscovery User s Guide  
Getting Started with SPECTRUM for Operators  
Getting Started with SPECTRUM for Administrators  
How to Manage Your Network with SPECTRUM  
Oth er Rela ted Docu m en ta tion  
LAN Troubleshooting Handbook, Mark Miller (1989, M&T Publishing, Inc.)  
Local Area Networks, Architectures and Implementations, J ames Martin &  
Kathleen K. Chapman for the Arben Group, Inc. (1989, Prentice-Hall, Inc.)  
The Simple Book — An Introduction to Management of TCP/ IP-based  
Internets, Marshall T. Rose, Performance Systems International, Inc.  
Computer Networks, Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Prentice-Hall, Inc.  
Internetworking Technology Overview, Cisco Systems, Inc. (1993, Cisco  
Systems, Inc.)  
9031754 E5  
Getting Help  
Gettin g Help  
For additional support for SPECTRUM products, or to make comments or  
suggestions regarding SPECTRUM or this manual, contact Cabletron  
Systems Technical Support via one of the following means:  
Loca t ion  
Ma il  
Telep h on e  
Cabletron Systems, Inc.  
P. O. Box 5005  
Rochester, NH 03866-5005  
E -m a il:  
Nor th Am er ica  
Cabletron Systems, Ltd.  
Network House  
Newbury Business Park  
London Road, Newbury  
Berkshire, England RG13 2PZ  
E -m a il:  
Eu r op e  
P a cific  
Cabletron Systems, Inc.  
Allambie Grove Estate  
25 Frenchs Forest Road East  
Frenchs Forest, NSW 2086  
Sydney, Australia  
E -m a il:  
Cabletron Systems, KK  
J TB Building 9F  
164 Maranouchi  
Tokyo 100 J apan  
J a p a n  
E -m a il:  
Cabletron Systems, Inc.  
85 Science Park Drive  
Sin ga p or e  
The Cavendish  
Singapore 051  
E -m a il:  
Cabletron Systems GmbH  
Dreieich Park  
(*)-49-6103/991-229 (*)-49-6103/991-269  
Im Gefierth 13d  
63303 Dreieich  
Ger m a n y  
Frankfurt, Germany  
E -m a il:  
*In ter n a t ion a l Op er a t or Cod e  
Qu est ion s Ab ou t SP ECTR UM Docu m en t a tion ?  
Send your questions, comments or suggestions regarding SPECTRUM  
documentation to the Technical Communications Department directly via the  
following internet address:  
sp e ct r u m -t ech d ocs@ct r on .com  
DEC GigaSwitch  
Management Module Guide  
Ch a p ter 1  
In tr od u ction  
Wh a t Is in Th is Ch a p ter  
This chapter describes the SPECTRUM Management Module for the DEC  
GigaSwitch. It also provides the model type names assigned to the DEC  
GigaSwitch in SPECTRUM. The model type name refers to the template used  
to specify attributes, actions, and associations for device models in  
DEC Giga Sw itch Ma n a gem en t Mod u le  
The DEC GigaSwitch Management Module supports all DEC GigaSwitch  
device models managed through the SNMP advanced network management  
agent. SPECTRUM bases its management of these devices on the  
Management Information Base (MIB), which comes as part of the  
management module. The SPECTRUM model type name of the DEC  
GigaSwitch device is as follows:  
DE CGiga Sw itch : A DEC GigaSwitch data switch. SPECTRUM supports the  
Fiber GIGAswitch/FDDI System Linecard, 2-port (FGL-2), Switch Control  
Processor (SCP), and Clock cards. The DEC GigaSwitch allows for 14  
linecards to be installed into its back providing for a total of 32 simultaneous  
network connections.  
SPECTRUM supports the following firmware revisions:  
2.00, 2.10, 2.20.  
Support is currently available only for the FDDI GigaSwitch hub, but support  
for the ATM hub will be available in a future release.  
9031754 E5  
SPECTRUM and the DEC GigaSwitch  
SP ECTRUM a n d th e DEC Giga Sw itch  
The DEC GigaSwitch Management Module model will allow modeling of the  
DEC GigaSwitch device.  
Supported Devices: GigaSwitch/FDDI  
Supported Cards: FGL2, SCP, Clock card  
Firmware Versions: 2.00, 2.10, 2.20  
If you are running a previous version of SPECTRUM, the following user  
interface aspects may differ from those in SPECTRUM version 4.0:  
• Order and names of menu selections  
Navigational features (mouse button functionality)  
DEC Giga Sw it ch Ap p lica t ion s  
The DEC GigaSwitch supports both common and device-specific applications.  
SPECTRUM management of the DEC GigaSwitch utilizes the following  
Management Information Bases (MIBs) which come as a part of the software  
module for the model type:  
• Internet MIB-II (RFC 1213)  
• IETF Bridge MIB (RFC 1286)  
• RFC 1285 (FDDI)  
• DEC Elan Vendor MIB (Version 2.7)  
• DEC GigaSwitch MIB (Version 1.0)  
The MIB-II, IETF Bridge MIB, and the FDDI applications are described in the  
Applications documentation.The DECGigaApp and the DECElanApp are the  
GigaSwitchs device-specific applications and are detailed in Chapter5, DEC-  
Specific Applications.  
DEC GigaSwitch  
Management Module Guide  
Ch a p ter 2  
Device View  
Wh a t Is in Th is Ch a p ter  
This chapter describes the Gigaswitchs Logical. Interface and Physical Device  
views and how to utilize these views to manage and access information from  
the Gigaswitch module. The Logical Device view provides a logical  
representation of the Gigaswitch module and access to configuration and  
status information on the module itself, the Ring In and Ring Out ports, and  
the station ports.  
The Interface Device view displays interface icons for each of the linecards  
installed in theGigaSwitch, allowing you to set and gather information about  
each of the interfaces.  
The Physical Device view provides a physical representation of the Gigaswitch  
and allows access to configuration and status information for the Gigaswitch  
Logica l Device View  
This section describes the information available from the Gigaswitch Logical  
Device view.  
The following diagram illustrates how to access the Gigaswitchs Logical  
Device view and Figure 2-1 shows the modules Logical Device view. The  
Logical Device v iew provides access to detailed information about the  
Gigaswitch module. Figure 2-2 displays the Gigaswitch Logical Module and  
the menu selections available by double-clicking the left mouse button on each  
zone of the module.  
9031754 E5  
Logical Device View  
Accessing the Logical Device View  
Accessin g t h e Logica l Device View  
The Logical Device view is accessed using one of the following methods:  
• Double-click on the Device view button of the Gigaswitch device icon. This  
will open the Device view that was opened last (i.e. Logical, Physical, or  
De vice View Bu t t on  
Highlight the DEC Gigaswitch device icon and select Device -> Logica l  
from the Icon Subviews menu.  
Go Back  
Go Up  
Icon Subviews  
View Path  
New View  
View History  
Current View Info...  
Jump by name...  
Map Hierarchy  
Device View  
DEC GigaSwitch  
Management Module Guide  
Logical Device View  
Accessing the Logical Device View  
F igu r e 2-1.  
DE C Giga sw it ch Logica l Device View  
Primary Landscape 0x00400000 - VNM Host -GigaSwitch of type DECGigaSwitch  
Net Addr  
Model Name  
Sys Up Time  
Device Type  
Serial Number  
Run 13 Run  
Spa nning Spa nning  
10 Run 14  
Spa nning  
Spa nning  
13 Run  
Spa nning  
14 Run  
Spa nning  
9031754 E5  
Device View  
Logical Device View  
Accessing the Logical Device View  
F igu r e 2-2.  
DE C Giga sw it ch Logica l Device View - La b el a n d Dou b le-Click Zon es  
Module Number/  
Module Notes view  
Port Status/  
Port Configuraton view  
13 Run  
Port Number/  
Port Notes view  
Port Application/  
STP Table view  
Ta b le 2-1.  
Mod u le Men u Select ion s  
Men u Selection  
Module Notes  
Descr ip t ion  
Opens the Module Notes view, allowing you to  
write, save, and email notes about the highlighted  
Module Port Table  
Opens the Module Port Table view, which displays  
the modules number, its ports, the MIB II Index  
and Bridge Ports.  
Module Configuration  
Opens the Board Table view, allowing you to  
change the DEC Gigaswitchs status. Not P r e sen t ,  
P ow er Dow n , P ow e r Up , P ow er Dow n Th e Up ,  
F a u lt , Re vMism a t ch , a n d Se lfTest In P r ogr e ss  
are the status choices. For more information, refer  
to Chapter 3, Configura tion Views.  
Device View  
DEC GigaSwitch  
Management Module Guide  
Interface Device View  
Table 2-2 list the icon subviews available from a highlighted port in the  
Logical Device view.  
Ta b le 2-2.  
P or t Icon Su b view s  
Men u Selection  
Descr ip t ion  
Port Notes  
Opens the Port Notes view, allowing you to write,  
save and email notes about the highlighted port.  
Port Configuration  
Spanning Tree  
Opens the FDDI MAC Table view, providing FDDI  
configuration information for the highlighted port.  
For more information about the FDDI MAC Table  
view and other configuration views, refer to  
Chapter 3, Configuration Views.  
Opens the STP Table view, allowing you to En a ble  
or Disa b le Spanning Tree capability for the  
highlighted port.  
In ter fa ce Device View  
This section describes the module information available from the Interface  
Device view, which displays a Device Icon Panel, an Interface Options Panel,  
and a Logical Interface icon. Access the Interface Device view by selecting  
Device from the Icon Subviews Menu or double-click the Device view button.  
Access the Interface Device View using one of the following methods:  
• Double-click on the Device view button of the GigaSwitch device icon. This  
will open the Device view that was opened last (i.e. Chassis, Physical or  
Device Vie w Bu t t on  
9031754 E5  
Device View  
Interface Device View  
Highlight the GigaSwitch device icon and select Device -> In ter fa ce  
from the Icon Subviews menu.  
Go Back  
Go Up  
Icon Subviews  
View Path  
New View  
View History  
Current View Info...  
Jump by name...  
Map Hierarchy  
The Interface Device View includes three panels as well as the Device View  
Banner shown in Figure 2-3.  
Device View  
DEC GigaSwitch  
Management Module Guide  
Interface Device View  
F igu r e 2-3.  
In t er fa ce Device View  
GigaSwitch of type DECGigaSwitch of Landscape VNMHost:Primary  
Net Addr  
Model Name  
Sys Up Time  
Device Type  
Serial Number  
Phy Addr  
Network Information  
Interface Description  
9031754 E5  
Device View  
Interface Device View  
Device Icon Panel  
Device Icon P a n el  
The Device Icon Panel displays the GigaSwitch Location view Icon.  
In ter fa ce Op t ion s P a n el  
The Interface Option Panel area of the Device view allows you to modify the  
presentation of the Logical Interface Icon. It provides the fields described  
below as well as access to the Gauge Control Panel view.  
F ilt er  
The Filter area of the Interface Options Panel is only implemented if the  
SPECTRUM Routing Services Management Module is loaded.  
Net w or k In for m a t ion  
The Network Information area of the Interface Options Panel allows you to  
determine the interface information displayed in the Network Information  
Label zone of that interfaces Logical Interface Icon. Possible selections are  
In t er fa ce Descr ip tion  
Selecting an Interface Icon displays the type of interface in the Interface  
Description area of the Interface Options Panel.  
Device View  
DEC GigaSwitch  
Management Module Guide  
Interface Device View  
Logical Interface Icon  
Logica l In t er fa ce Icon  
The logical interface icon displays information about each of the interfaces on  
the line cards installed in the GigaSwitch  
IF Status  
IF Configuration  
IF Address Translation Table  
Network Information Panel  
Model Information  
a) DevTop view/Port Number Label  
b) Interface Status view/Interface Status Label  
c) Interface Configuration view/Interface Label  
d) Interface Address Tranlation Table/Physical Address Label  
e) Network Information Panel/Network Information Label  
f) CSI Interface Performance view/Logical Gauge  
Device Top ology View /In ter fa ce Nu m b er La bel  
This label displays the number of this interface. Double-clicking on this label  
allows you to access the DECGigaSwitch Device Topology (DevTop) view.  
In ter fa ce Sta tu s View /In ter fa ce St a tu s La bel  
The Interface Status Label displays a text label and an appropriate  
background color to represent the current status of the interface. Table 2-3  
shows the possible interface statuses and their respective colors.  
9031754 E5  
Device View  
Interface Device View  
Logical Interface Icon  
Ta b le 2-3.  
In t er fa ce St a t u s La b el Defin ition s  
Op er a t ion a l  
Sta tu s  
Ad m in ist r a tive  
St a tu s  
Text Disp la y  
The interface status label provides access to the status view specific to the  
port. Double-clicking on this label opens the Interface Status view. This view  
allows you to set the administrative status to ON or OFF.  
In ter fa ce Con figu r a t ion View /P or t Typ e La bel  
The Port Type Label displays the type of DECGigaSwitch interface. Possible  
interface types are shown in Table 2-4.  
Double-clicking on the interface type label displays the Interface  
Configuration view. This view allows you to set the Administrative Status of  
the highlighted interface to On , Off, or Test in g.  
The Interface Configuration view also displays the interfaces Operation  
Status, Physical Address, Bandwidth, Packet Size, Queue Length, Last  
Change information as read-only values.  
Ta b le 2-4.  
In t er fa ce Typ es for th e DE CGiga Sw it ch  
In ter fa ce Typ e  
Descr ip t ion  
None of the following  
Regular 1822  
HDLC Distant Host protocol  
Defense Data Network X.25  
RFC877 X.25  
Ethernet CSMA/CD  
ISO token bus  
ISO token ring  
ISO man  
Device View  
DEC GigaSwitch  
Management Module Guide  
Interface Device View  
Logical Interface Icon  
Ta b le 2-4.  
In t er fa ce Typ es for th e DE CGiga Sw it ch (Con t in u ed )  
StarLAN IEEE 802.3  
ProNET 10 Mbps  
ProNET 80 Mbps  
Fiber Distributed Data Interface  
X.25 Line Access Procedure, Balanced  
IBM Synchronous Data Link Control protocol  
T1 link (USA and J apan)  
T1 link (Europe)  
Basic Integrated Services Digital Network  
Proprietary Integrated Services Digital Network  
Proprietary Point to Point Serial  
Point to Point protocol  
Software Loopback  
Connectionless Network Protocol over IP  
Ethernet 3 Mbps  
Xerox Network Service Protocol over IP  
Generic Serial Line IP  
ULTRA Technologies  
Switched Multimegabit Data Service  
T1 Frame relay  
In ter fa ce Ad d r ess Tr a n sla t ion Ta b le/MAC Ad d r ess La b el  
The MAC Address Label displays the physical address of each of the  
interfaces for the line cards installed in the DEC GigaSwitch. Double-clicking  
on this label accesses the Interface Address Tranlation Table.  
The Interface Translation Table displays the Interface Index number, the  
Physical Address, and the Network Address for each interface.  
9031754 E5  
Device View  
Interface Device View  
Logical Interface Icon  
Netw or k In for m a t ion P a n el/Netw or k In for m a tion La bel  
The Network Information Label displays the name, address, or subnet mask  
of this interface, according to selections made in the Interface Options Panel,  
Double-clicking on this label displays the Network Information Panel,  
displaying the name, address, and subnet mask of this interface.  
In ter fa ce P er for m a n ce View /Logica l Ga u ge La bel  
Double-clicking on this label of the Interface Icon allows you to access the  
Performance View for the interface. You can also access this view by  
highlighting the GigaSwitch icon and selecting P er for m a n ce from the Icon  
Subviews menu. This area is also a Logical Gauge, which is described later in  
this chapter. The Performance view summarizes network traffic flow in  
packets for this interface, providing the following information:  
Mu lt i-At t r ib u t e Lin e Gr a p h  
The Multi-Attribute Line Graph provides a general indication of network  
activity. The attributes are pre-selected and use colors to represent different  
statistics. For more information on the Multi-Attribute Line Graph, refer to  
SP ECTRUM Views. Table 2-5 lists the color and statistical definitions for  
each attribute.  
Ta b le 2-5.  
Color a n d St a t ist ica l Defin it ion s for ea ch At tr ib u t e  
Sta tistic  
Descr ip t ion  
The percentage of the total number of packets  
that have been transmitted, device-wide, during  
% Discarded  
The percentage of the total number of packets  
that have been discarded, device-wide, during  
% Error  
The percentage of the total number of packets  
that have contained errors, device-wide, during  
% Host  
The percentage of the total number of packets  
that have been delivered to the local host from  
the port during uptime.  
In Packet  
Light Blue  
Royal Blue  
The total number of packets that have been  
received, device-wide, during uptime.  
Out Packet  
The total number of packets that have been  
transmitted, device-wide, during uptime.  
Total Packet  
The total number of packets that have been  
transmitted and received, device-wide, during  
Device View  
DEC GigaSwitch  
Management Module Guide  
Interface Device View  
Logical Interface Icon  
Ta b le 2-5.  
Color a n d St a t ist ica l Defin it ion s for ea ch At tr ib u t e (Con tin u ed )  
Sta tistic  
Descr ip t ion  
In Load  
The amount of bandwidth used per packets  
received during the ports uptime.  
Out Load  
Mustard Green  
Light Green  
The amount of bandwidth used per packets  
transmitted during the ports uptime.  
Total Load  
The amount of bandwidth used per packets  
received and transmitted during the ports  
Mu lt i-At t r ib u t e Lin e Gr a p h Bu tt on s  
Buttons allow you to modify the statistical presentation of the Multi-Attribute  
Line Graph. The following buttons are provided:  
Lin /Log  
This button toggles between a linear or logarithmic scale presentation of the  
Scr oll t o Da t e-Tim e  
This button allows you to set the viewing area of the graph to begin at a  
specified date and time. When pressed, this button also displays two other  
Choosing Ch a n ge Tim e Sca le allows you to set the time scale for the graph  
within the range of 1 to 100 hours.  
Choosing Da t a Loggin g allows you to store the polled data in the database.  
Tr a n sm it  
Pressing this button brings up a multi-attribute line graph that only displays  
information about packets sent through the interface.  
R eceive  
Pressing this button brings up a multi-attribute line graph that only displays  
information about packets received through the interface.  
Det a il  
Pressing this button brings up the Interface Detail view for the highlighted  
interface. This view displays information about the Packet, Error, and Discard  
rates in three color-coded pie graphs.  
Con fig  
9031754 E5  
Device View  
Interface Device View  
Pressing this button brings up the Interface Configuration view.  
Ala r m s  
Pressing this button brings up the Alarm Manger, listing the alarms, if any,  
for the interfaces.  
E ven t s  
Pressing this button brings up the Event Log for the GigaSwitch model.  
Th r esh old  
Pressing this button brings up the Interface Threshold view, allowing you to  
set the Load, Packet Rate, Error Rate, and %Discarded thresholds for the  
Ga u ge Con t r ol P a n el  
The Gauge Control Panel allows you to change the type of statistical  
information presented in the Logical Gauge area of the Logical Interface Icon.  
To access the Gauge Control Panel, either double-click on the Interface  
Options Panel or single-click on the panel to highlight it and then select  
Ga u ge Con tr ol P a n el from the Icon Subviews menu.  
Selected Att r ibu te  
This area of the Gauge Control Panel allows you to select the statistical  
attribute displayed on the Logical Interface Icons Gauge. The label changes  
color to reflect the attribute selected. Table 2-6 and Table 2-7 provide a list of  
the attributes and their corresponding colors.  
Ga u ge Mod e  
This area of the Gauge Control Panel allows you to select the mode presented  
by the Logical Gauge. Possible selections are Totals, Rates, or Percentages.  
The Percentages selection represents the percentage of the interface  
compared to the rest of the interfaces. Table 2-6 shows the displayed  
attributes and their color definitions if the Totals mode is selected. Table 2-7  
shows the displayed attributes and their color definitions if the Rates mode is  
Device View  
DEC GigaSwitch  
Management Module Guide  
Interface Device View  
Gauge Control Panel  
Ta b le 2-6.  
Ga u geTot a ls Mod e At tr ib u t e a n d Color Defin ition s  
Select ed At t r ib u t e  
Lt. Blue  
Lt. Blue  
In Packets  
Out Packets  
In Octets  
Out Octets  
Host Bound  
Lt. Purple  
Ta b le 2-7.  
Ga u geR a t es Mod e At t r ib u t e a n d Color Defin it ion s  
Select ed At t r ib u t e  
Load In  
Load Out  
Packet Rate  
In Packet Rate  
Out Packet Rate  
% Discard  
Lt. Blue  
Lt. Blue  
Lt. Blue  
% Filtered  
% Forwarded  
% Host Bound  
% Error  
Lt. Violet  
% Transmitted  
Ga u ge Typ e  
This option allows you to select either a numeric or linear representation of  
the Logical Gauge.  
9031754 E5  
Device View  
Interface Device View  
Ga u ge Con tr ol P a n el Bu tt on s  
Several buttons allow you to control the way the Gauge Control Panel  
selections affect the logical interface icon. The Gauge control panel provides  
the following buttons:  
Ap p ly  
Apply the current selections to the Logical Gauge. The settings cannot be  
Keep Set t in gs  
Save the current gauge settings while running SpectroGRAPH.  
R eset  
Reset back to the last Keep Settings selections.  
Close the Gauge Control Panel.  
Defa u lt  
Reset back to the default attribute of Load.  
Device View  
DEC GigaSwitch  
Management Module Guide  
Physical Device View  
P h ysica l Device View  
The Physical Device view provides a graphical representation of the DEC  
GigaSwitch and provides access to the Notes, Port Table, and Configuration  
views for each of the modules installed in the DEC GigaSwitch.  
Accessin g t h e P h ysica l Device View  
The Physical Device view is accessed using one of the following methods:  
• Double-click on the Device View button of the Gigaswitch device icon. This  
will open the Device view that was opened last (i.e. Logical or Physical).  
De vice View Bu t t on  
Highlight the Gigaswitch device icon and select Device -> P h ysica l from  
the Icon Subviews menu.  
Go Back  
Go Up  
Icon Subviews  
View Path  
New View  
View History  
Current View Info...  
Jump by name...  
Map Hierarchy  
9031754 E5  
Device View  
Physical Device View  
Accessing the Physical Device View  
F igu r e 2-4.  
DE C Giga Sw it ch P h ysica l Device View  
Primary Landscape 0x00400000 - VNM Host -GigaSwitch of type DECGigaSwitch  
Net Addr  
Model Name  
Sys Up Time  
Device Type  
Serial Number  
line card  
line card  
line card  
clock card  
scp card  
Device View  
DEC GigaSwitch  
Management Module Guide  
Physical Device View  
Accessing the Physical Device View  
Table 2-8 describes the icon subviews accessible form the DEC GigaSwitchs  
Physical Device View.  
Ta b le 2-8.  
DE C Giga Sw it ch l P h ysica l Device View - Mod u le Icon Su b view s  
Men u Selection  
Module Notes  
Descr ip t ion  
Opens the Module Notes View, allowing you to  
write, save, and email notes about the highlighted  
Module Port Table  
Opens the Module Port Table View, which displays  
the modules number, its ports, the MIB II Index  
and Bridge Ports.  
Module Configuration  
Opens the Board Table view, allowing you to  
change the DEC Gigaswitchs status. Not P r e sen t ,  
P ow er Dow n , P ow e r Up , P ow er Dow n Th e Up ,  
F a u lt , Re vMism a t ch , a n d Se lfTest In P r ogr e ss  
are the status choices. For more information, refer  
to Chapter 3, Configura tion Views.  
9031754 E5  
Device View  
Physical Device View  
Accessing the Physical Device View  
Device View  
DEC GigaSwitch  
Management Module Guide  
Ch a p ter 3  
Con figu r a tion View s  
Wh a t Is in Th is Ch a p ter  
This chapter describes the configuration views available for the DEC  
GigaSwitch module. These views allow you to access and change the  
configuration settings for the DEC GigaSwitch module, its Ring In and Ring  
Out Ports, and its station ports. The DEC GigaSwitch module supports the  
following the configuration views.  
• Device  
• Interface  
• Module  
DEC Giga Sw itch Device Con figu r a tion View  
The Device Configuration View includes a device banner and the GigaSwitchs  
model name, contact status, and the number of interfaces attached to the  
module. The Device View also provides access to the Interface Configuration  
Table and the Interface Address Translation Table for the DEC  
GigaSwitch.You can access the Device Configuration View through the Icon  
Subviews Menu, or the icon double-click zones.  
9031754 E5  
Accessing the Device Configuration View  
Accessin g t h e Device Con figu r a t ion View  
You can access the Device Configuration View through the Icon Subviews  
Menu, or the icon double-click zones.  
Model Name  
Model Type  
Double-click Configuration Label  
Highlight the DECGigaSwitch device icon and select Con figu r a t ion from  
the Icon Subviews menu.  
Go Back  
Go Up  
Icon Subviews  
View Path  
New View  
View History  
Current View Info...  
Flash Green Enabled  
Jump by name...  
Model Information  
Map Hierarchy  
Primary Application  
The Device Configuration View provides the following information:  
In ter fa ce Ad d r ess Tr a n sla t ion Ta ble  
The Interface Address Translation Table lists the number, physical address,  
and network address for each interface installed in the GigaSwitch. Double-  
Configuration Views  
DEC GigaSwitch  
Management Module Guide  
Module Configuration View  
Interface Configuration Table  
clicking on one of the entries in the Interface Address Translation Table access  
the Address Translation Table Information View. This view allows you to enter  
information about a new interface to be included in the Interface Address  
Translation Table or to edit the information for an existing entry.  
In ter fa ce Con figu r a t ion Ta b le  
The Interface Configuration Table displays information regarding the  
interfaces attached to the GigaSwitch. The table headings and their  
descriptions are Index, Description, Type, Bandwidth, Physical Address and  
Operation Status. Double-clicking on one of the entries in the Interface  
Configuration Table accesses the Interface Configuration View, which allows  
you to change the Administrative Status for the interface to On , Off, or  
Testin g.The Interface Configuration view also includes a Device Banner for  
the GigaSwitch and the Operation Status, Last Change, Physical Address,  
Bandwidth, Packet Size and Queue Length for the selected interface.  
Mod u le Con figu r a tion View  
Access the Module Configuration View by doing the following:  
1. Access the DEC GigaSwitch Logical Device View via the Icon Subviews  
2. Highlight the appropriate module.  
3. Select Mod u le Con figu r a t ion for the Icon Subviews menu, which will  
call the Board Table View.  
Boa r d Ta b le View  
The Board Table View allows you to change the status for the highlighted  
module. Possible configuration choices are NotP r esen t, P ow er Dow n ,  
P ow er Up , P ow er Dow n Th en Up , F a u lt, RevMism a t ch , and  
SelfTest In P r ogr ess. The Board Table View also displays the Index number,  
Type, Hardware Rev, and Firmware Rev of the highlighted module.  
9031754 E5  
Configuration Views  
Port Configuration View  
P or t Con figu r a tion View  
Access the Port Configuration View by following the steps below:  
1. Access the DEC GigaSwitch Logical Device View via the Icon Subviews  
2. Highlight the appropriate port.  
3. Select P or t Con figu r a t ion for the Icon Subviews menu.  
F DDI MAC Ta ble View  
To change the Purger Enable setting, do the following:  
1. Click the Purger Enable button so that it displays the desired setting;  
either Tr u e or F a lse.  
2. Choose Sa ve All Ch a n ges from the File menu and close out of the view.  
To change the Restricted Token Timeout setting, do the following:  
1. Enter the desired setting in the Restricted Token Timeout text box. The  
default is 12500000.  
2. Choose Sa ve All Ch a n ges from the File menu and close out of the view.  
The FDDI MAC Table View also displays read-only information about the  
highlighted ports FDDI configuration information.  
Configuration Views  
DEC GigaSwitch  
Management Module Guide  
Ch a p ter 4  
Even t a n d Ala r m Messa ges  
Wh a t Is in Th is Ch a p ter  
This chapter describes the types of events and alarms generated by the DEC  
GigaSwitch. Additionally, this appendix notes if an event is also mapped to an  
identical alarm message, and provides any probable cause messages  
corresponding to these alarms.  
DEC Giga Sw itch Even ts a n d Ala r m s  
SPECTRUM supports the following events for the DEC GigaSwitch. Table 4-1  
lists the generic events and alarms for DEC GigaSwitch devices.  
Ta b le 4-1.  
DE C Giga Sw it ch E ven ts a n d Ala r m s  
E ven t Messa ge  
P r ob a b le Ca u se Messa ge  
{d "%w- %d %m-, %Y - %T"} - A(n) {t}  
device, named {m}, has been cold  
started. (event [{e}])  
No Probable Cause message.  
{d "%w- %d %m-, %Y - %T"} A(n) {t}  
device, named {m} has been warm  
started. (event [{e}])  
No Probable Cause message.  
9031754 E5  
DEC GigaSwitch Events and Alarms  
Ta b le 4-1.  
DE C Giga Sw it ch E ven ts a n d Ala r m s (Con tin u ed )  
E ven t Messa ge  
P r ob a b le Ca u se Messa ge  
{d "%w- %d %m-, %Y - %T"} A(n) {t}  
device, named {m}, has detected a  
communication Link Down. (event  
Communication link is down.  
{d "%w- %d %m-, %Y - %T"} A(n) {t}  
device, named {m}, has detected a  
communication Link Up. (event [{e}])  
No Probable Cause message.  
{d "%w- %d %m-, %Y - %T"} A(n) {t}  
device, named {m}, has detected an  
Authentication Failure. (event [{e}])  
Authorization failure. Other user is trying  
to connect to device with an invalid  
community string.  
{d "%w- %d %m-, %Y - %T"} A(n) {t}  
device, named {m}, has detected an  
EGP Neighbor Loss. EGP Neighbor  
IP address is {O 1}. (event [{e}])  
Lost contact with EGP neighbor.  
{d "%w- %d %m-, %Y - %T"} - Board {I  
1} reports a failure on device {m} ({t}).  
(event [{e}])  
The GigaSwitch recognizes a failure in one  
of the communications slot represented in  
the agents configuration.  
Event and Alarm Messages  
DEC GigaSwitch  
Management Module Guide  
Ch a p ter 5  
DEC-Sp ecific Ap p lica tion s  
Wh a t Is in Th is Ch a p ter  
This chapter describes the DecElanApp and the DecGigaApp accessible  
through the GigaSwitchs Applications View.  
DecGiga Ap p  
The DecGigaApp allows the user to perform basic configuration processes for  
the GigaSwitch, to access bridge information for the switch, to configure  
filters, and to upgrade the firmware for specific cards. Figure 5-1 illustrates  
the Icon Subviews menu for the DecGigaApp.  
9031754 E5  
F igu r e 5-1.  
Th e DecGiga Ap p Icon Su b view s m en u  
GigaSwitch ARP  
GigaSwitch Bridge Statistics  
GigaSwitch Cut Through Mapping  
GigaSwitch Filters  
GigaSwitch M Ports  
GigaSwitch STP  
Attribute Walk  
Model Information  
These icon subviews allow the user to perform configuration tasks for the  
GigaSwitch or to view statistics relating to the GigaSwitchs performance.  
Con figu r a t ion  
The DecGigaApp Configuration View allows the user to specify the following  
settings for the DEC GigaSwitch:  
P r im a r y Ap p lica t ion  
Dictates what application will be analyzed in the GigaSwitchs Performance  
View. The user can choose from a list of SPECTRUM and GigaSwitch  
Mem or y  
The user can specify Rewrite, Rewriting, or Other for the Memory setting.  
F a n Sp eed  
The user can select either Maximum or Normal for the GigaSwitchs fan  
SNMP Du p lica t e Disca r d In ter va l  
The user can specify the interval (measured in 1/100 sec) at which a duplicate  
packet is discarded. The default setting is 50.  
DEC-Specific Applications  
DEC GigaSwitch  
Management Module Guide  
GigaSwitch ARP  
In addition to these configuration settings, three buttons provide access to  
tables detailing information on the boards within the GigaSwitch, the  
hardware and firmware specifications for the GigaSwitch, and the  
information on the GigaSwitchs power supply.  
Boa r d s  
This table provides information on individual boards in the GigaSwitch.  
Information is categorized by Index, Type, Status, Hardware Revision, and  
Firmware Revision. Double-clicking on an entry will access the Board Table  
View. The Board Table View allows the user to choose the status of a  
particular board. The following choices are available: NotPresent,  
PowerDown, PowerUp, PowerDownThenUp, Fault, RevMismatch, and  
P SC Con t r oller  
This table allows the user to choose to Heed or Ignore the temperature  
warning, should the GigaSwitch overheat as well as detailing information on  
the GigaSwitch hardware and firmware.  
P ow er Su p p ly  
This table shows the Status, Input Source, and Output information for the left  
and right power supply sources.  
Giga Sw it ch AR P  
AR P Agen t  
The user can specify whether the ARP Agent is on or off.  
Tim eou t  
The user can specify the timeout setting in seconds.  
P er iod Bet w een  
The interval, measured in seconds, between the ARP Agent trying to resolve  
an IP and MAC address.  
R etr ies  
The user can specify the number of times the ARP agent will try to reconcile  
an IP and MAC address.  
The GigaSwitch ARP table details the IF In d ex, Un ica st R eceive,  
Br oa d ca st R eceive, R ep lies t r n s, F r a m es F lood , and F r a m es Disca r d ed  
information for the GigaSwitch ARP.  
9031754 E5  
DEC-Specific Applications  
GigaSwitch Bridge Statistics  
Giga Sw it ch Br id ge St a tist ics  
The GigaSwitch Bridge Statistics icon subview menu accesses the  
Giga Sw it ch F lood in g Ta b le.  
Un k n ow n Un ica st R a te  
Maximum bytes-per-second bandwidth of packets multicast because the  
destination address was not yet learned by the the bridge.  
Mu lt ica st R a t e  
The maximum bytes-per-second bandwidth of packets multicast because the  
destination address is a multicast address.  
The Flooding Table details the Qualifier, Class, Bytes Sent, Packets Sent,  
Geezers, Losers, and Hogs information for each of the active cards on the  
Giga Sw it ch Cu t Th r ou gh Ma p p in g  
The GigaSwitch Cut Through Mapping table allows the user to enable or  
disable the Inbound or Outbound Cut Through Mapping application for each  
of the GigaSwitch Bridge Ports. The Cut Through Mapping feature allows  
packets with known IP addresses to travel through the GigaSwitch with out  
being temporarily stored within the GigaSwitch. Packets without known IP  
addresses for their destination are temporarily delayed while the GigaSwitch  
learns the IP address.  
The default setting for each of the Bridge Ports is Enabled for both the  
Inbound and Outbound Cut Through Mapping applications.  
Con figu r in g Cu t Th r ou gh Ma p p in g  
1. Double-click on the appropriate Br id ge P or t number to generate the Cut  
Through Table View.  
2. Click on the Inbound and Outbound buttons so that they display the  
appropriate settings, either En a b led or Disa b led .  
3. Choose Sa ve All Ch a n ges from the File menu.  
4. Click on the Up d a t e button in the Cut Through Mapping table to view  
your changes.  
DEC-Specific Applications  
DEC GigaSwitch  
Management Module Guide  
GigaSwitch Filters  
Giga Sw it ch F ilt er s  
The GigaSwitch Filters icon subview allows the user to configure P or t  
Ma t r ices, Dest in a t ion F ilt er s, SAP F ilt er s, SNAP F ilt er s, and Sou r ce  
F ilt er s. These port matrices and filters can be configured to restrict traffic  
from certain ports to a portion of the network, to isolate a device while  
troubleshooting or to improve performance between ports by establishing a  
path for the packets traveling between those ports.  
P or t Ma t r ices  
The Port Matrices Table allows the user to edit or add a matrix for a port.  
Ed itin g Existin g Ma tr ices  
1. Double-click on the matrix setting to be changed to display the Port  
Matrix View.  
2. Edit the Na m e , the Ma t r ix Va lu e (for the bridge), the Ma tr ix Va lu e (for  
the front panel), and the Sta t u s settings so that they display the desired  
3. Choose Sa ve All Ch a n ges from the File menu to close out of the Port  
Matrix View.  
Ad d in g a Ma tr ix to t h e Ta ble  
1. Click the Add an Entry button to display the Add a Port Matrix View.  
2. Enter the name of the matrix in the Na m e text box.  
3. Fill in the value for the matrix in the Ma t r ix text box.  
4. Click the Status button so that it displays the appropriate value (either  
P er m a n en t or In va lid ).  
5. Choose Sa ve All Ch a n ges from the File menu.  
6. Click on the Add Entry button to save the matrix and place it in the table.  
9031754 E5  
DEC-Specific Applications  
GigaSwitch Filters  
Ed itin g Dest in a tion F ilt er s  
The Destination Filter icon subview generates the GigaSwitch Port Filter-  
Destination Address Table. The user has the option of editing the settings for  
an existing filter or adding a new filter to the table.  
1. Double-click on the setting you wish to change, displaying the Destination  
Filter View.  
2. Edit the settings you would like to change.  
3. Choose Sa ve All Ch a n ges from the File menu and close out of the  
Destination Filter View.  
Ad d in g En tr ies to th e Destin a tion F ilt er s Ta ble  
1. Click the Add an Entry button to display the Add a Destination Filter  
2. Enter the appropriate Na m e for the filter.  
3. In the Dest in a t ion text box, enter the MAC address of the device to be  
4. In the Ma t r ix text box, enter the matrix value for the filter.  
5. Choose the disposition (F ilter, Alw a ys F ilter, or F or w a r d ) for the filter,  
using the Disposition button. Click on the Status button so that it displays  
the desired status (Ot h er, In va lid , P er m a n en t , Delet eOn R eset , or  
Delet eOn Tim eOu t ).  
6. Choose Sa ve All Ch a n ges from the File menu.  
7. Click on the Ad d E n tr y button to save the matrix and place it in the  
SAP F ilter s  
The SAP Filter icon subview generates the GigaSwitch Port Filter-SAP Table.  
The user has the option of editing the settings for an existing filter or adding a  
new filter to the table.  
DEC-Specific Applications  
DEC GigaSwitch  
Management Module Guide  
GigaSwitch Filters  
E d itin g th e Sett in gs for a n E xist in g F ilter  
1. Double-click on the setting you wish to change, which generates the SAP  
P r ot ocol F ilter View.  
2. Edit the settings you would like to change.  
3. Choose Sa ve All Ch a n ges from the F ile menu and close out of the  
Destination Filter View.  
Ad d in g a n En t r y to th e SAP F ilter View  
1. Click the Ad d a n E n t r y button to generate the Ad d a n SAP F ilt er  
2. Enter the appropriate Na m e for the filter.  
3. In the Protocol text box, enter the SAP protocol to be filtered.  
4. In the Matrix text box, enter the matrix value for the filter.  
5. Choose the disposition (F ilter, Alw a ys F ilt er, or F or w a r d ) for the filter,  
using the Disposition button in the view. Click on the Status button so  
that it displays the desired status (Oth er, In va lid , P er m a n en t).  
6. Choose Sa ve All Ch a n ges from the File menu.  
7. Click on the Add Entry button to add the new filter to the table.  
SNAP F ilter s  
The SNAP Filter icon subview generates the GigaSwitch Port Filter-SNAP  
Protocol Table. The user has the option of editing the settings for an existing  
filter or adding a new filter to the table.  
Ed itin g a n Existin g SNAP F ilter  
1. Double-click on the setting you wish to change, displaying the SNAP  
Filter View.  
2. Edit the settings you would like to change.  
3. Choose Sa ve All Ch a n ges from the File menu and close out of the SNAP  
Filter View.  
9031754 E5  
DEC-Specific Applications  
GigaSwitch Filters  
Ad d in g a SNAP F ilter to t h e Ta ble  
1. Click the Add an Entry button to display the Add an SNAP Filter View.  
2. Enter the appropriate Na m e for the filter.  
3. In the Protocol text box, enter the SNAP protocol to be filtered.  
4. In the Matrix text box, enter the matrix value for the filter.  
5. Choose the disposition (F ilter, Alw a ys F ilter, or F or w a r d ) for the filter,  
using the Disposition button in the view. Click on the Status button so  
that it displays the desired status (Oth er, In va lid , P er m a n en t).  
6. Choose Sa ve All Ch a n ges from the File menu.  
7. Click on the Add Entry button to add the new filter to the table.  
Sou r ce F ilt er s  
The Source Filter icon subview generates the GigaSwitch Port Filter-Source  
Address Table. The user has the option of editing the settings for an existing  
filter or adding a new filter to the table.  
E d itin g a n E xistin g Sou r ce F ilter  
1. Double-click on the setting you wish to change, displaying the Source  
Filter View.  
2. Edit the settings you would like to change.  
3. Choose Sa ve All Ch a n ges from the File menu and close out of the Source  
Filter View.  
Ad d in g a Sou r ce F ilter t o th e Ta ble  
1. Click the Add an Entry button, displaying the Add a Source Filter View.  
2. Enter the appropriate name for the filter.  
3. In the Source text box, enter the MAC address of the source you would like  
to filter.  
4. In the Matrix text box, enter the matrix value for the filter.  
DEC-Specific Applications  
DEC GigaSwitch  
Management Module Guide  
GigaSwitch M Ports  
5. Choose the disposition (F ilter, Alw a ys F ilt er, or F or w a r d ) for the filter,  
using the Disposition button in the view. Click on the Status button so  
that it displays the desired status (Oth er, In va lid , P er m a n en t,  
Delet eOn R eset , or Delet eOn Tim eOu t ).  
6. Choose Sa ve All Ch a n ges from the File menu.  
7. Click on the Add Entry button to add the new filter to the table.  
Giga Sw it ch M P or t s  
The GigaSwitch M Ports icon subview generates the GigaSwitch M Port  
En a b lin g or Disa blin g a P a r ticu la r M P or t  
1. Double-click on the Enable setting for the particular port to display the M  
Port Table View.  
2. Click on the Enable button so that it displays the desired setting (Tr u e or  
F a lse).  
3. Choose Sa ve All Ch a n ges from the F ile menu and close out of the M Port  
Table View.  
Giga Sw it ch STP  
The GigaSwitch STP icon subview generates the Giga Sw it ch STP Ta b le.  
En a b lin g or Disa blin g th e Sp a n n in g Tr ee Ap p lica tion for a P a r ticu la r  
P or t  
1. Double-click on the Enable setting for the particular port to display the M  
Port Table View.  
2. Click on the Enable button so that it displays the desired setting (Tr u e or  
F a lse).  
3. Choose Sa ve All Ch a n ges from the File menu and close out of the M Port  
Table View.  
9031754 E5  
DEC-Specific Applications  
Up gr a d e  
The Upgrade icon subview allows the user to download new firmware for a  
particular card in the GigaSwitch.  
Up gr a d in g Ca r d F ir m w a r e  
1. Click on the Up gr a d e icon subview.  
2. Enter the TFTP (Trivial File Transfer Protocol) Destination address or the  
MOP (Maintenance Operation Protocol) Destination address in the TFTP  
Destination or MOP Destination text box.  
3. In the File Name text box, enter the filename of the firmware revision you  
wish to download.  
4. Click the Action button so that it displays either DoMOP or DTFTP.  
5. Enter the cards slot number in the Slot to Upgrade text box.  
6. Click the Upgrade Action button so that it displays DoUp gr a d e.  
7. To cancel the file transfer, click the Delete Transfer button and choose the  
appropriate option.  
Mod el In for m a t ion View  
The model information icon subview provides the user with a list of  
SPECTRUMs settings for the GigaSwitch model. The Poll Interval used by  
many of the SPECTRUM applications must be set in the applications Model  
Information View.  
Settin g th e P oll In ter va l  
1. Click on Mod el In for m a tion in the icon subviews menu.  
2. Enter the desired poll interval in the Poll Interval text box.  
3. Click on the Polling Status button so that it displays Tr u e.  
DEC-Specific Applications  
DEC GigaSwitch  
Management Module Guide  
DecEla n Ap p  
This application for the GigaSwitch provides the user with more statistical  
tables, the ability to add or remove trap receivers, and the ability to add either  
Read-Only or Read-Write management stations.  
To access the DecElanApp, click on the Applications subview for the DEC  
GigaSwitch icon. The DecElanApp allows the user access to the following  
Con figu r a t ion  
The DecElanApp Configuration View allows for the following settings to be  
edited by the user:  
P r im a r y Ap p lica t ion  
The user may choose the application that they wish to be detailed in the  
Performance View.  
Up d a t e Sw it ch  
The user may specify whether the switch should be updated or not by clicking  
on the Up d a t e Sw it ch button so that it shows the desired setting (True or  
P or t Tr a p s  
The user may enable or disable port traps by clicking on the P or t Tr a p s  
button so that it shows the desired setting (Enable or Disable).  
In it Sw itch  
The user may choose between Ot h er, R eset or R esetWit h Defa u lts for this  
Ga t ew a y  
The user may specify the gateway used for downloading firmware.  
F R U Con figu r a tion  
This button accesses the FRU Configuration Table, which displays the Slot ,  
Descr ip t ion , R ev, and St a t e of the ports firmware.  
Br id ge Da t a b a ses  
The Bridge Databases icon subview accesses the 2-Port Address Table and the  
Multi-Port Address Table. These tables display the Address, Port Number,  
and Status of 2-Port and Multi-Port devices. In addition, the Multi-Port  
Address table displays the Receive Port and Allow to Go To information for  
each port.  
9031754 E5  
DEC-Specific Applications  
Extended Bridge  
E xten d ed Br id ge  
The Extended Bridge icon subview accesses another menu of subviews related  
to the bridging statistics of the GigaSwitch.  
F igu r e 5-2.  
Th e Ext en d ed Br id ge Su b m en u  
Disable Spanning Tree  
Ethernet Interfaces  
FDDI Interfaces  
Filtering Switches  
Spanning Tree  
Spanning Tree Ports  
The following Extended Bridge subviews allow the user to choose various  
Ch a r a cter istics  
The Extended Bridge Characteristics subview allows the user to specify the  
following characteristics:  
P or t Test P a ss Th r esh  
The threshold number of successful, consecutive self-tests before the  
GigaSwitch is considered operational.  
P or t Test In t er va l(Sec)  
Upon a line break, the GigaSwitch will test the failed port. The Port Test  
Interval is the amount of time in seconds between the tests of a particular  
Ma n u a l F ilt er  
Click the Manual Filter button so that it displays the desired manual filter  
condition. (Tr u e or F a lse)  
DEC-Specific Applications  
DEC GigaSwitch  
Management Module Guide  
Extended Bridge  
F r a gm en t a t ion  
Click the Fragmentation button so that it displays the desired fragmentation  
condition. (Tr u e or F a lse)  
R em ove Mgm t Ad d r ess  
The user can choose between Other and True. The initial setting is Ot h er, but  
selecting Tr u e will remove the management address.  
R em ove Mgm t P r ot ocol  
The user can choose between Other and True. The initial setting is Ot h er, but  
selecting Tr u e will remove the management protocol.  
Disa b le Sp a n n in g Tr ee  
To enable or disable the Spanning Tree function for an individual port:  
1. Double-click on the ports number or status entry.  
2. Click on the Status button so that it displays the desired status.  
(En a b led or Disa b led )  
3. Choose Sa ve All Ch a n ges from the File menu and close out of the view.  
The Non-Translated Protocol Table allows the user to specify the IPX(Raw) To  
Snap condition as Tr u e or F a lse. If the IPX(Raw) To Snap feature is enabled,  
IPX(Raw) packets will be converted into SNAP packets.  
Ra te-Lim itin g  
The Rate-Limiting subview allows the user to enable or disable the  
Rate-Limiting feature for a particular port and to set the Max Rate-Limit  
Frames Per Second.  
9031754 E5  
DEC-Specific Applications  
Extended Bridge  
Sp a n n in g Tr ee  
The Extended Bridge Spanning Tree view allows the user to specify the  
following Spanning Tree settings:  
Sh or t Agin g Tim e(Secs)  
Enter the desired time (in seconds) in the text box. The default is 30.  
Ba d H ello Lim it  
Enter the desired limit in the text box. The default is 15.  
Ba d H ello R eset Tim er  
The number of seconds before a Bad Hello reset.  
No F r a m e In t er va l(Secs)  
The length of time (in seconds) of inactivity before the GigaSwitch initiates a  
self test.  
LB100 P oll Tim e(Secs)  
The length of time (in seconds) between the polling of the LAN bridge.  
LB100 Resp on se Tim eou t(Secs)  
The length of time (in seconds) the GigaSwitch waits for a response from the  
LAN bridge.  
Sp a n n in g Tr ee Mod e  
The user may specify the Spanning Tree Mode by clicking on the button so  
that it displays AutoSelect existing or IEEE802.  
Ext en d ed F DDI  
The Extended FDDI icon subview accesses the Full-Duplex Links Table, MAC  
Table, Port Table, and SMT Table. The Full-Duplex Links Table and the MAC  
Table allow for user input.  
F u ll-Du p lex Lin k s Ta b le  
To disable or enable the Duplex feature:  
1. Double-click on the desired port.  
2. In the Full-Duplex Table View, click the Enable Duplex button so that it  
displays Tr u e or F a lse.  
DEC-Specific Applications  
DEC GigaSwitch  
Management Module Guide  
Protocol Databases  
MAC Ta b le  
To edit the Purger settings for a GigaSwitch port:  
1. Double-click on the desired port displayed in the MAC Table.  
2. In the FDDI MAC Table View, click on the Purger Enable button so that it  
displays either Tr u e or F a lse.  
3. In the Restricted Token Timeout text box, enter the desired value. The  
default is 12500000.  
4. In the Ring Latency text box enter the desired value (measured in  
P r ot ocol Da ta b a ses  
The Protocol Databases icon subview accesses the Ethernet Protocol, SAP  
Protocol, and SNAP Protocol databases. These views allow the user to specify  
whether the ports will forward or filter packets in each of these protocols.  
To change the 2-Port setting for each of these protocol tables:  
1. Choose the desired database from the Protocol Databases icon subview.  
2. Click on the 2-Port Setting button so that it displays either F or w a r d or  
F ilt er.  
3. Choose Sa ve All Ch a n ges from the File menu.  
SNMP Au t h en t ica t ion  
The SNMP Authentication icon subview allows the user access to the SNMP  
User Communities View and to the SNMP Trap User Table.  
9031754 E5  
DEC-Specific Applications  
SNMP Authentication  
SNMP User Com m u n it ies Ta b le  
The SNMP User Communities Table provides the ability to add Read-Only  
management stations or management stations with Read-Write permissions.  
The SNMP User Communities View also allows the user to edit an existing  
stations mask and status.  
To edit an existing stations settings:  
1. Double-click on one of its settings in the SNMP User Communities Table.  
2. In the Read-Only Station or Read/Write Station view, make the  
appropriate changes to the stations Mask and Status. The Status setting  
may be Ot h er or In va lid .  
3. Choose Sa ve All Ch a n ges from the File menu.  
To add a new Read-Only or Read/Write station:  
1. Click on the Ad d a Rea d -On ly E n t r y or Ad d a Rea d /Wr ite E n t r y  
2. In the Add a Station view, enter the stations IP Ad d r ess and its Ma sk .  
3. Choose Sa ve All Ch a n ges from the File menu.  
4. Click the Ad d En t r y button.  
SNMP Tr a p User Ta ble  
The SNMP Trap User Table provides for the establishment of traps for devices  
in a particular community. To edit an existing trap for a device:  
1. Double-click on one of the devices settings in the SNMP Trap Users Table,  
generating the Trap Station View.  
2. Click on the Status button so that it displays the desired setting (Ot h er or  
In va lid ).  
3. Choose Sa ve All Ch a n ges from the File menu.  
To create a new trap:  
1. Enter the community string for the device in the Tr a p Com m u n it y text  
2. Enter the IP address for the device to be trapped in the IP Ad d r ess text  
3. Choose Sa ve All Ch a n ges from the File menu.  
DEC-Specific Applications  
DEC GigaSwitch  
Management Module Guide  
Model Information View  
Mod el In for m a t ion View  
The model information view provides the user with a concise list of  
SPECTRUMs settings for the GigaSwitch model. The Poll Interval used by  
many of the SPECTRUM applications must be set in the applications Model  
Information View. To set the Poll Interval:  
1. Click on Mod el In for m a tion in the icon subviews menu.  
2. Enter the desired poll interval in the P oll In t er va l text box.  
3. Click on the Polling Status button so that it displays Tr u e.  
9031754 E5  
DEC-Specific Applications  
Model Information View  
DEC-Specific Applications  
DEC GigaSwitch  
Management Module Guide  
In d ex  
Sym b ols  
% Discarded 2-12  
% Error 2-12  
DEC GigaSwitch Management Module 1-1  
DecElanApp 5-11  
% Host Bound 2-12  
% Transmitted 2-12  
Bridge Databases 5-11  
Configuration 5-11  
Extended Bridge 5-12  
Extended FDDI 5-14  
Model Information View 5-17  
Protocol Databases 5-15  
SNMP Authentication 5-15  
DecGigaApp 5-1  
Chassis Device View 2-2  
Device Configuration View 3-2  
Physical Device View 2-17  
Accessing Configuration View 3-2  
Adding a Source Filter 5-8  
Administrative Status 2-9  
Applications 1-2  
Apply Button 2-16  
Configuration 5-2  
GigaSwitch ARP 5-3  
GigaSwitch Bridge Statistics 5-4  
GigaSwitch Cut Through Mapping 5-4  
GigaSwitch Filters 5-5  
GigaSwitch M Ports 5-9  
Model Information View 5-10  
Upgrade 5-10  
ARP Agent 5-3  
Associations 1-1  
ATM 1-1  
GigaSwitch STP 5-9  
DEC-Specific Applications 5-1  
Button 2-16  
Destination Filters 5-6  
Bandwidth 3-3  
Board Table View 3-3  
Boards 5-3  
Icon Panel 2-8  
Device Congiguration View 3-1  
Device Icon Panel 2-8  
Device Topology View  
Label 2-9  
Characteristics 5-12  
Chassis Device View 2-4  
Close Button 2-16  
Color and Statistical Definitions by  
Application 2-12  
Device View 2-1  
Chassis 2-1  
Disable Spanning Tree 5-13  
Discard 2-15  
Discards 2-15  
Configuration Views 3-1  
Module 3-3  
STHi Device 3-1  
9031754 E5  
Editing a SNAP Filter 5-7  
Editing a Source Filter 5-8  
Error 2-15  
Load 2-12  
Octets 2-14  
Packet Rate 2-12, 2-15  
Packets 2-14  
Index 3-3  
Init Switch 5-11  
Errors 2-14  
Models 1-2  
Event and Alarm Messages 4-1  
Event Messages 4-1  
Description 2-8  
Device View 2-4  
Number Label 2-9  
Options Panel 2-8, 2-14  
Performance View Label 2-12  
Label 2-9  
Status Label 2-9  
Fan Speed 5-2  
FDDI MAC Table View 3-4  
FGL-2 1-1  
Fiber GIGAswitch/FDDI System Linecard 1-  
Filtered 2-15  
Find 2-8  
Firmware Revisions 1-1  
Forwarded 2-15  
Interface Address Translation Table 3-2  
Interface Configuration Table 3-3  
Introduction 1-1  
Fragmentation 5-12  
FRU Configuration 5-11  
Full-Duplex Links Table 5-14  
Keep Settings Button 2-16  
Lin Button 2-13  
Linear Scale 2-13  
Load 2-15  
Gateway 5-11  
Control Panel 2-14  
Buttons 2-16  
Mode 2-14  
Attribute Totals and Color  
Definitions 2-14  
Rate Attributes and Color  
Definitions 2-15  
Type 2-15  
Button 2-13  
Logarithmic Scale 2-13  
Gauge 2-14  
Label 2-12  
GigaSwitch ARP Table 5-3  
GigaSwitch Flooding Table 5-4  
Gray 2-15  
Interface Icon 2-8  
Logical Device View 2-1  
figure 2-3  
Module Menu Selections 2-4  
Logical Interface Icon 2-9  
Green 2-12  
Bound 2-15  
Purple 2-15  
Violet 2-15  
DEC GigaSwitch  
Management Module Guide  
Physical Device View 2-17  
Accessing 2-17  
Icon Subviews 2-19  
Poll Interval 5-10  
M Ports 5-9  
Label 2-11  
MAC Table 5-15  
Information Base 1-1, 1-2  
Manual Filter 5-12  
MASK 2-8  
Memory 5-2  
MIB 1-1, 1-2  
Module Configuration View 3-3  
Module Menu Selections 2-4  
Multi-Attribute Line Graph 2-12  
Buttons 2-13  
Label 2-10  
Port Configuration View 3-4  
Port Matrices 5-5  
Port Test Interval 5-12  
Port Test Pass Thresh 5-12  
Port Traps 5-11  
Power Supply 5-3  
Primary Application 5-2, 5-11  
Probable Cause Messages 4-1  
PSC Controller 5-3  
Mustard Green 2-12  
Rate-Limiting 5-13  
Rates 2-14  
Related Documentation xiii  
Related Reading xiii  
Remove Mgmt Address 5-13  
Remove Mgmt Protocol 5-13  
Reset Button 2-16  
NAME 2-8  
Information 2-8  
Label 2-11  
Panel 2-11  
Notice i  
Restricted Rights Notice ii  
Retries 5-3  
Ring Port Configuration View 3-4  
Royal Blue 2-12  
OFF 2-9  
Operation Status 3-3  
Operational Status 2-9  
SAP Filters 5-6  
Scroll to Date-Time  
Load 2-12  
Octets 2-15  
Packet Rate 2-12, 2-15  
Packets 2-14  
Selected Attribute 2-14  
SNAP Filters 5-7  
SNMP 1-1  
SNMP Duplicate Discard Interval 5-2  
SNMP Trap User Table 5-16  
SNMP User Communities Table 5-16  
Source Filters 5-8  
Spanning Tree 5-14  
Rate 2-15  
Spanning Tree Application 5-9  
SPECTRUM Administrator s Reference xi  
SPECTRUM Application View Reference  
Guide 1-2  
Percentages 2-14  
Period Between 5-3  
Physical Address 3-3  
9031754 E5  
S (con tin u ed )  
SPECTRUM Documentation xiii  
SPECTRUM Operator s Reference xi  
STHi Device Configuration View 3-1  
Supported Cards 1-2  
TEST 2-10  
TESTING 2-10  
Timeout 5-3  
Total 2-14  
Load 2-12  
Packet Rate 2-12  
Trademarks i  
Transmitted 2-15  
Turquoise 2-12  
Update Switch 5-11  
Upgrading Firmware 5-10  
Virus Disclaimer i  
White 2-12, 2-15  
Yellow 2-12, 2-15  
DEC GigaSwitch  
Management Module Guide  

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